
Technical Prototyping

Especially when working with legacy systems, it’s important to test technical assumptions before scoping any kind of procurement because there are almost certainly unknown hazards that can put your procurement at risk. These hazards can’t be known unless you start building something.

Unlike most kinds of prototypes, technical prototypes are not focused on user experience, but rather on the mechanics behind the user’s experience. They test things like “Can we really access the data we think we need?”, or “How does this external API actually work?”—so they’re pretty bare-bones. They show just enough of the user-facing functionality to verify some kind of technical implementation. Practically, the prototype follows some user on a “happy path” user flow through that implementation.

Prototyping a small end-to-end user flow is something that teams can do quickly before writing an RFP, and should help identify any hazards in the code, the deployment process or any other technical aspect of a project. This will help teams properly scope the procurement and build out a reasonable RFP with some useful documentation for buyers and for vendors.

Our prototypes:

When we prototype

Throughout this project we will be using technical prototyping whenever we are faced with some question about integration with existing systems, the nature of existing data sources, or any other existing technical process that we plan to leverage as part of our planned acquisition. We may change direction at times, based on what we learn through prototyping. We may decide to pursue a completely different implementation, or even a different set of features entirely. Best case is that we can proceed with the original plan, only now with much more information that will help ensure the success of the acquisition.

Why we prototype

Prototyping is learning. For us, it allows us to learn firsthand about the challenge before us so that we can take on the work from a more empowered position. Technical prototyping helps us:

What we prototype

Technical prototypes should address risks identified by the product team. The approach to using technical prototypes borrows heavily from the idea of a code spike in agile software development. Code spikes are not meant to produce production ready code, and should be designed to leverage the simplest possible solution to identify solutions to an outstanding question or potential risk. Technical prototypes. like code spikes, should help give the product team clarity on the level of efforts required to address risks that have been identified in the planning process.

Prototyping infrastructure

Through our initial prototypes efforts, we worked through a variety of initial challenges. Having done so, we are now positioned to more easily and quickly prove out technical questions. We can now take advantage of…

People & skills

Producing technical prototypes requires DOH developers and product managers to devote time and energy working in the systems and building. To do this, we leverage some or all of the following:

Getting Started